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  • Finn Brennan ASLEF District Organiser.

Tramlink; Where is our back pay?

Despite the fact that after a referendum of our members, ASLEF accepted the Tramlink pay offer in July, this has still not been implemented. The pay rise of 3.2% should be fully backdated including pension payments to November 2018. It is simply not acceptable that this has still not happened.

To add insult to injury, Tramlink management have introduced a reduced starting salary for new drivers, even though the pay agreement reached at ACAS was clear that this would only happen from November! This is a clear breach of our agreement.

When ASLEF make an agreement, we stick to it. We will insist that management do the same. We have formally written to the Managing Director for an urgent meeting to resolve this immediately and will escalate as necessary.

The time for excuses is over. Tramlink management must honour the pay agreement in full now!

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