ASLEF members on the Bakerloo line are now voting in our dispute over the introduction of a new detrainment procedure.
Known as “flash and dash”, this procedure means that trains are no longer physically checked before entering sidings like those at Queens Park, Stonebridge Park and Harrow & Wealdstone. Instead, you are told by management to just flash the saloon lights on and off, make announcements and then go into the sidings.
We know from previous experience that this leads to a large number of “overcarries” or passengers being taken into the sidings without their knowledge.
In turn this means drivers are left alone to deal with often upset or angry people, putting them in a vulnerable situation and at risk of assault.
Management have ignored all our protests about this and are determined to push ahead at the end of January. Our members and your elected representatives on the Bakerloo line have been very clear that drivers are not prepared to accept this.
That means we have no other option than to ballot for industrial action.
Your ballot paper asks two questions, “are you prepared to take part in industrial action short of a strike?” and “are you prepared to take part in industrial action consisting of strike action”.
ASLEF believe it is important that you Vote Yes to both questions, as that will give us the most options to put pressure on management to find a way to resolve the dispute and to protect your safety at work.
Any ballot paper not returned effectively counts as a negative vote. Without a high turnout, we cannot legally take any action and management will be able to just force “flash and dash” through.
So please Vote Yes to both questions and return your ballot papers straight away. The postal strikes mean it is more important than ever that there is no delay in sending back your ballot paper.
If you have not recieved your ballot paper please contact your local ASLEF rep or email with your name and contact details.
Ballots will also be taking place on other lines where managment are trying to force through "flash and dash". We will circulate information over the next weeks.
Support your union for safe detrainment procedures. Vote Yes to both questions and return your ballot paper straight away.
