The ASLEF Executive Committee has agreed to suspend the strike due to take place next Wednesday and Thursday on Croydon Tramlink after a breakthrough in talks with FirstGroup management at the conciliation service ACAS.
A new offer that gives drivers an above inflation pay rise and an additional 13 rest days each year will now be considered by the Union.
This significant improvement on the previous proposal has been brought about by the strength and solidarity of our members on Tramlink. They have had two rock solid days of strike action with more than 50 members taking part in picketing.
The new proposal is the biggest improvement in working conditions since the Tram system opened. An additional 13 rest days, giving the equivalent of the 35 hour week that is now standard on the railway, means members will have quality time off with much improved rosters.
The drivers salary will increase by a minimum of 9.9% over the three year period with a guaranteed link to the RPI rate of inflation. (RPI is the inflation measure used to calculate fare rises and student loan repayments and is usually higher than the Government's preferred measure of inflation CPI)
An additional 10 drivers will be recruited to facilitate this and new rosters will be introduced before the end of the proposed pay settlement in November 2021
The negotiating team will now report on the new offer to the Executive Committee who will decide on the next steps.
November 2018- 3.2% (Retail Price Index November 2018) - £42,890
November 2019 – RPI or 3.2% - £44,262
November 2020 – RPI or 3.2% - £45,678
Introduction of a 35 hour week;
A 35 hour week for tram drivers will be introduced by November 2021.
This will be achieved by adding an extra 2 rest days into each 8 week roster cycle, a total of 13 extra rest days per year) and without any changes to any other agreements and working practices, eg booking on/ off etc.
Training of an additional 10 drivers will commence from November 2020 to facilitate this.
Year 2 Pay award (November 2019):
All drivers who are qualified on the anniversary of the pay award will receive a one off payment of £1000 in their November 2019 pay.
Trainee drivers salary from November 2019;
New trainee drivers will receive a starting salary of £28,550.
On passing out the trainee drivers salary will increase to £35,000.
On the first anniversary of qualifying as a driver (12 months after passing out) the driver salary will be increase to the full driver salary rate.
New Years Eve:
A guaranteed additional payment of £100 for drivers working on New Years Eve.
A rota which reduces from 7 days to 5/6 days per week will be introduced on Sunday 16th June
The rotas will be reviewed with the Company Council to review fatigue factors in respect of the rotas, 3,6,9 & 12 months after implementation.
A full report on the talks will be given at a special branch meeting that is currently being arranged.