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Support Your Union ! Vote Yes and return your ballot papers on the Cent

Finn Brennan ASLEF District Organiser.

This ASLEF ballot on the Central line and the combine wide dispute closes next Wednesday Sept 19th. That means it is vital to return your ballot papers straight away to give your Union the mandate we need to successfully resolve these disputes.

On the Central line the issues involved are:

  • failure to deal with service control issues affecting our members

  • abuse of the attendance at work procedure

  • breach of the agreement regarding managers driving trains

  • abuse of the case conference procedure

  • harsh and unfair use of the disciplinary procedure and the imposition of new working practices.

Drivers are continually forced into late running or pressurised to do overtime or break parameters; Control refuse to turn trains or allow trains to be stabled in sidings. Radio calls are unanswered or answered rudely, while known “no reliefs” are ignored.

The Attendance at Work procedure is being abused; with members who are sick being continually dragged in for unnecessary meetings and threatened with medical termination and people who have no medical issue been sent to Occupational Health.

While management mistakes are shrugged off or ignored; drivers with decades of excellent service have been dismissed for just one mistake or reduced in grade for being sick after a near miss. On the Central line, a quarter of a century of hard work and dedication meant nothing to senior management who simply don’t care about the impact on your life and your family of being sacked for just one operational error.

The agreement on managers driving trains is routinely ignored while “Flash and Dash”, bringing a train into sidings without manual checking, is imposed.

This is a management out of control; prepared to ignore agreements and sack drivers at will. Your reps have tried to resolve these issues at local meetings, line meetings, Trains Council and Health and Safety Council and Directors level without success.

It is clear that management on the Central line will only be prepared to listen when drivers show that we are prepared to stand up for ourselves. We need a massive Yes vote to both questions on ballot paper to show management once again that Central line drivers will not be bullied or intimidated.

Please make sure that ASLEF have your correct address and contact details so that you receive a ballot paper. Please speak to your local rep to check.

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