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  • Finn Brennan

Acton District drivers will strike on Friday.

ASLEF members at Acton Town will be taking strike action for duties booking on between 00.01 and 23.59 on Friday April 13th to ensure every driver is treated fairly at work.

For over two months, London Underground management have refused to talk to your Union about the issues in this dispute. Instead of getting around the table, they have sent a stream of letters threatening legal action to try to prevent you exercising your democratic right to strike. Local managers have now been instructed to circulate deliberately misleading propaganda to try to undermine your action.

ASLEF members at Acton District voted by 98% in favour of strike action. We expect another big Yes vote in our ballot at Earls’ Court due this week. But instead of recognising the concerns of our members and reps, management are refusing to acknowledge that they failed to follow their own procedures; threatened a CDI to make a driver “agree” to be redeployed and now refuse to talk to your Union.

When management are intent on getting their way by threats and intimidation then we need to take a strong stand to protect our agreements and ensure fair treatment at work.

Support your Union; Support your colleagues!

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