Next Monday, as the ballot of ASLEF Night Tube Drivers closes, we will meet London Underground management again to try to resolve this dispute.
We have made our position crystal clear. Every affected Night Tube driver should be fully compensated for the financial losses they have suffered from managements failure to stick to the agreement on progression to full-time roles.
Under the pressure of the ASLEF ballot, many NT drivers are now being moved into the full-time roles that they should have had already. But these late moves mean some have lost out on months of full time salary they should have had received.
It is just not good enough for management to shrug their shoulders and say “Sorry”! They have to make things right, by fully compensating leapfrogged drivers and puting in measures to make sure no one else is affected in future.
Only ASLEF has taken this stand for Night Tube drivers and balloted to insist that junior drivers are treated fairly. Without ou

r ballot, new drivers would have been unfairly left indefinitely in part time roles.
We are determined that every driver, whatever their route into the grade and however long they have been in the role is treated fairly and in line with agreements.
ASLEF is the union that delivers for drivers. With your support we will make sure there is a fair settlement to this dispute.
If London Underground do not take this opportunity to resolve to treat their staff fairly, than our Executive Committee will have no other option than to consider strike action when they meet next week.
A full report will be sent out after our meeting with management.