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  • Finn Brennan

ASLEF to ballot members in dispute over London Undergrounds failure to deliver on pay deal commitmen

Over the past months ASLEF have continued to push London Underground to deliver on the commitments made as part of the 2015 pay settlement.

Despite the claims of progress made in management bulletins, there is still no agreement on options to work fewer shifts per week and there has been no proposal from management on the promised "new ways to resource weekend working".

Both these commitments were due to be in place by July, yet management have constantly dragged their feet and stonewalled.

Nor has anything been done to give drivers the "new opportunities to improve personal development" that LU committed to as part of the settlement. Although a 4-day week roster has been trialled on the Jubilee line, management seem to simply want to declare the trial a "failure" instead of looking at how the lessons learnt can be used to give other areas who choose to do so the option of working this way. ASLEF made the 2015 pay deal in good faith and we expect all the commitments made to be honoured. We cannot allow the company to simply walk away from parts of an agreement because it is no longer convenient for them!

That is why your Executive Committee has the taken decision to notify LU that we are now formally in dispute and to begin the process of balloting our driving grade members for industrial action.

We hope that management will now stop dragging their feet and finally deliver on the commitments made. But we know that our members will be ready to show your support by voting YES to ensure LU do not walk away from your pay deal!

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