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  • Mark Mc Mullen ASLEF THSC rep

Common sense on cool water.

We have had a number of meetings with a senior manager who was tasked with addressing the lack of cool water after we raised this issue at director level. (The manager involved was one of the very few remaining at senior level who actually has experience of driving a train and understands drivers issues)

The meeting looked at the list of sites we supplied, based on those received following our request for information to local H&S reps. We also included some locations that were of high or immediate importance which drivers use on a regular basis.

Following productive discussions, has reviewed the situation and has arranged the re-installation of coolers on the list, including some new ones that we added, such as Hainault platform level and Barking East bound and Harrow. We will continue to monitor the combine wide situation concerning water at Trains Health and Safety Council level.

The team are actively working to make sure the installations happen as quickly as possible, with Earls Court, Harrow and Hainault being done imminently. We hope the rest will start by the end of next week, this delay due mainly to gaining access.

Thanks to your support this a good step forward achieved by your ASLEF Trains Health and Safety Council reps. We will continue to monitor the combine wide situation concerning water at all locations and deal with any problems that we are made aware of.

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