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  • Writer's pictureFinn Brennan ASLEF Distri

Night Tube strike action called off.

The ASLEF Executive Committee has now decided to call off the strike action by Night tube drivers planned for Saturday April 8th. Our aim has always been to make sure that NT drivers were not forced to remain in the role indefinitely, while new recruits took up full time positions. The new proposals mean that LU will fill full time vacancies from waiting lists in line with agreements and NT drivers will not be "jumped" by new recruits. Recruitment of new part time staff has already started to backfill positions allowing NT drivers to move to full time roles. Training will start from this month so that NT drivers can be called to full time positions as soon as they reach the top of the waiting list and have served twelve months in the grade. The Trains Council movement committee will monitor this to ensure that drivers are trained and moved in the correct order. The Executive Committee and your negotiating team will be recommending that our members accept these proposals and arrangements are being made for a referendum to take place. The support members showed, with a 100% Yes vote to take action, means that we believe we have achieved a fair settlement that means NT drivers will move to full time roles much sooner than LU had planned. We have forced them to take you seriously and treat you fairly. This has only been possible because NT drivers got active in ASLEF, attended branch meetings and demonstrated that you were prepared to take action. Once again ASLEF strength and solidarity brings results.

Finn Brennan

ASLEF District Organiser.

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