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  • Writer's pictureFinn Brennan ASLEF Distri

Tubelines industrial action

Since last May ASLEF have been involved in discussions with Tublines about a pay settlement for our Engineering driver and driver assist members. This has centred on improving the basic salary in return for savings generated through increased productivity.

For some time your reps have been suspicious that management have been deliberately obstructing a settlement. Every time an agreement was close the goalposts were moved; each time we agreed to something management wanted, they asked for something more.

Despite this your reps worked on in good faith to try to achieve the pay agreement that members told us you wanted. We believed we were close to a resolution.

Yesterday (Tue Jan 31st) your ASLEF EC member Terry Wilkinson, Company Council Rep Steve Wakefield and District Organiser Finn Brennan went to talks at ACAS in the hope that this dispute would finally be solved. Instead we were told that managements position had now entirely changed. Instead of reaching agreement, they intend to announce redundancies and to reshape the remaining workforce. They want to remove anything they see as “non-productive” time and “outdated agreements” and roster staff as and when they see fit.

This means that the current process of talks is now finished. Transplant were very clear with us that they do not intend to make an agreement. All they would say is that they will tell us more about their plans for your future at a Company Council meeting later this month.

They have also written to staff saying that they intend to force you to take annual leave when they believe that there is insufficient work for you to do. This is a clearly provocative move designed to demonstrate their plans for the future. The message they want to send is “You will come to work where and when you are told. Existing agreements will no longer apply”.

The only response trade unions can take to such an intransigent management is to firmly stand our ground. As requested by your branch, the ASLEF Executive Committee has called the industrial action listed below;

Our members employed by Tube Lines will not be booking on for duty between;

05:59 Friday 3rd February 2017 to 05:59 Sunday 5th February 2017 and

05:59 Friday 10th March 2017 to 05:59 Sunday 12th March 2017.

Action short of Strike:

From 06:00 Sunday 5th February 2017 to 05:58 Friday 10th March 2017, then continuously from 06:00 Sunday 12th March 2017:

  • Meal breaks to be taken as per existing agreement and law,

  • No exceeding of maximum driving times,

  • No volunteering for additional B2F Trains,

  • No overtime through extending shifts,

  • No driving trains except on lines, depots and sidings unless you have a full working knowledge of the area concerned, understand the meaning of all signals and be competent and appropriately licensed.

Every member should support this action to show management that you will protect your working conditions.

Protect your future. Support your union.

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