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Writer's pictureFinn Brennan ASLEF Distri

Triangle Sidings 34 & 36 Roads

There are ongoing issues with Triangle Sidings giving rise to safety concerns for staff using this location whilst undertaking their duties.

Both the exterior entrance door via the alleyway and the interior door are prone to failing.

The monitor that provides assurance that the alleyway is clear and free from any threats upon exit was installed following an assault on staff.

This monitor is not currently working so leaves no option but to open the door and exit without knowing if there are any threats present. If the door then subsequently fails and is unable to close, it may leave you in a vulnerable position with no place of safety or immediate access to other persons for assistance.

While this situation persists, if you are timetabled or tasked to stable in Triangle Sidings and you believe these circumstances could present you with a real risk of serious and imminent danger, please report this to management and request that upon stabling you are met and escorted safely from Triangle Sidings or offered an alternative stabling location.

Triangle Sidings was out of use for an extended period late last year due to a service requirement and we have asked management several times why the same alternative stabling arrangements can’t be put in place for the safety of our train staff until these issues are resolved?

To date we have received no reply.

Management often state “the safety of our staff is our top priority..” but not when it’s to the detriment of the service so it seems.

Finn Brennan

ASLEF District Organiser.

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