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Steve Crowley

Trains Council Update.

Some of the key issues discussed at the last Trains Functional Council meeting are below.

LDI Outcomes

Some managers reconvene LDIs, give a verbal decision, and at a later date pigeonhole the letter confirming the outcome. ASLEF argued, successfully, that often the verbal and written decisions did not tally up, made appeals difficult and delayed the process. Following the meeting the Management Chair met with ASLEF and agreed that following an LDI adjournment that the decision would be given both verbally and in writing. He said that enough time should be given for the LDI to take place, an adjournment of at least 30 minutes, the outcome given, and if necessary for the train operator to discuss with their representative the option to appeal.

Changeovers of Annual Leave

ASLEF raised a number of issues around mutual changeovers of annual leave where train operators were off sick, on alternative duties or maternity leave. Again, the Chair met with ASLEF and agreed that if the correct process for annual leave changeovers was followed then they would be permitted. Obviously if these changeovers are submitted then the annual leave must be taken.

Jury Service and Night Tube

ASLEF said that it was unreasonable for Night Tube train operator to undertake jury service and still have to work their Night Tube duties; this being contrary to government advice that ‘It is important that jurors are sufficiently fit and alert in order to carry out their important public duty. Therefore, we would recommend that they should not be made to work night shifts before they are due in court, or work weekends if this means that they do not have a break from either jury service or their job for seven days’. Following the meeting the Chair confirmed to ASLEF the following ‘It is my decision to follow the government guidance and to cover both nights’.

Overtime being paid by flat rate and by the minute

ASLEF explained it was unacceptable for some depots to be paying overtime by the minute or at flat rate. The Chair concurred and assured ASLEF that all overtime, irrespective of how it was generated, would be paid to the nearest 15 minutes at time and a quarter* as per the train operators’ contract of employment. * based on full-time contractual working

Case Conferences and Employee Relation Partner using conference call

ASLEF explained that a case conference had taken place where the ERP (formally called PMAs) wouldn’t attend the meeting and ‘attempted’ to give advice using a conference call. Management apologised and assured ASLEF that this would not be repeated.

For more information on these or other issues please contact your ASLEF Trains Functional Council reps.

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