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Writer's pictureFinn Brennan ASLEF Distri

Vote Steve and Tony in TfL Pension election.

Election for TfL Pension Consultative Council.

Elections are now taking place for the Transport for London Pension Consultative Council; the body elected to give scheme members a voice in how the scheme operates. You can read more about the PCC here.

ASLEF is supporting Steve Connolly and Tony DeWet in this election and asking members to use their votes to support them both.

Steve Connolly is a Jubilee line driver who has represented members across the combine as a Trains Council rep as well as serving on the PCC.

“I am currently a member of the PCC seeking re-elections to the committee. As an active member of the pension fund since 1997 I am passionate about our fund and pension issues within TfL and beyond. I have steadily built up my knowledge of pension issues during my previous term on the PCC and hope to continue to represent ALL members of the fund.

Tony De Wet has been a driver on the Victoria line since 2001 having joined LU on the stations in 1998.

"I’ve been a T/op on the Victoria line since 2001, joining LU on the stations

in 1998.

I’ve been a serving member of the PCC since 2017, and would like the

opportunity to continue their good work

Pensions are constantly under threat- never more so than now. If reelected

I’d fight to protect and enhance the hard won benefits of our scheme.

Over the last 10 years I’ve been on training courses and held Pension Open Days, attended by members from stations, engineering, admin as

well as drivers.

I believe the pension scheme unites us all regardless of grade, and if elected I have the experience, knowledge and commitment to represent

all members interests."

The Pension Consultative Council should represent the interests of all fund members right across the network. It shouldn't be dominated by just one large trade union.

Please use two votes to elect Steve and Tony for a PCC that speaks for all !

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