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  • Finn Brennan

Vote Yes on the Jubilee Line and at Earls’ Court

ASLEF members at Earls’ Court and on the Jubilee line are currently being balloted for strike action in separate disputes. Both ballot results are due on May 16th.

Although the issues may be different; the imposition of a new roster on the Jubilee which reduces Saturday rest-days, and the failure to follow the agreed SPADs' policy on the District, there is clear common theme. London Underground are not interested in trying to resolve the issues by discussions or negotiations. They intend to press ahead and do exactly as they choose regardless of the views of staff and your elected trade union reps.

Despite warm words from City Hall about valuing trade unions, the reality is that senior management on LU have ignored our offers to discuss these disputes and have chosen confrontation. ASLEF members at Acton Town have already taken strike action and escalation is clearly needed.

Managements plan is very clear and simple. They hope our members will not be prepared to take action. This will then give them the green light to push ahead with even more attacks on your conditions and agreements. If they believe drivers are not prepared to stand up for ourselves, then they will attack our grade in the same way as they have attacked others.

That is why it so important that every member on the Jubilee line and at Earls’ Court vote Yes and returns their ballot paper. The Trade Union Act, which requires a turnout of 50% and that at least 40% of all those eligible vote Yes, makes it more important than ever to use your vote.

Under pressure from huge government cuts to their budget, London Underground management want to undermine and remove the agreements that protect you at work. ASLEF is determined to resist them and protect our members. But we can only do so if members support your union and your reps.

So please make sure you have returned your Yes vote. If you have not received a ballot paper please contact ASLEF Head Office on 02073242400 immediately.

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